
How can a small accessory like a handcrafted brooch make such a big impact? Brooches have stood the test of time, adding elegance, creativity, and personality to outfits across generations. At UzbekAlive, we’ve redefined this timeless accessory by combining traditional Uzbek artistry with contemporary design.

Our handcrafted brooches, created in collaboration with Tashkent-based artisan Koshib Omonov, are wearable works of art. By infusing rich cultural heritage into modern fashion, we’ve created brooches that are not only beautiful but also versatile and meaningful. 

Read ahead to discover why UzbekAlive’s brooches deserve a special place in your wardrobe.

Valentine's Day is around the corner. For those who prefer to give a gift of experience (versus things), traveling is not an option this year - we better be home due to the state of the world. I am not complaining - I have been using this time to focus on my inner self. I picked up Ashtanga yoga, I made changes to my diet, I am on a partial digital detox - there is a lot changing. Still, with all these positive developments there is one thing missing and that's exploration of a new culture. There is a part of me which can't wait to travel and I know I am not the only one.

As we think of gift ideas for this Valentine's Day why not try to satisfy that longing for a new cultural discovery?