Autumn Exclusive: Buy 2, Get 1 Free on Our Handcrafted Silk Scarves
Embrace the Changing Seasons with Silk Scarves
Even better, we’re running an exclusive Buy 2, Get 1 Free (of equal of less value) promotion on our silk scarves—solid, ikat, and batik designs alike! We have not set a specific date for the end of this promotion. So, it could end at any time - do not wait!
Sustainable fabrics and our ikat fabrics
I wanted to share this very interesting article from "The Good Trade" blog about sustainable fabrics. Here is a link to the whole article: "Sustainable Fabrics 101: Everything You Need To Know Before You Shop". The article talks about fabrics in relation to fashion, specifically fast fashion since that's where the most environmental damage comes from. However, all points covered are applicable to interior design and interior decoration.
Sustainable ikat pillows for Christmas: one gift for the family!
Sustainability is becoming a matter of paramount importance. 2020 has taught us a lot of lessons. Some of these lessons have been life changing effecting how we live our lives going forward. Home has become a centre of everything - personal life, work life, hangout place, often with friends on the end of a town (or the end of the world via Zoom). This is why being home has to feel good and that feeling is better be achieved using sustainable methods. This post is dedicated to sustainability and how our ikat pillow covers can make fabulous Christmas gifts.